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Conditional formatting

In very specific situations the STweep formatting results may not be how you like them, for example enormous pieces of auto generated code might not (yet) give you the desired results. For these situation STweep can be temporarily disabled with an comment or a pragma.

STweep attributes

To disable STweep in a code file you can use:
The comment (*STweep.Disable*) or the pragma {STweep.Disable}.

Formatting will be disabled until the end of the code file. If you like to re-eanble STweep formatting again before the end of the file you can use:
The comment (*STweep.Enable*) or the pragma {STweep.Enable}.

The comments and pragmas can be intermixed, and are not capital sensitive.


Disabling and enabling with pragmas: 

ThisCodeIsFormatted(A, B);
STweepWillNotTouchThisCode(A, B);
ThisCodeIsFormatted(A, B);

Disabling and enabling with comments:

ThisCodeIsFormatted(A, B);
STweepWillNotTouchThisCode(A, B);
ThisCodeIsFormatted(A, B);