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Getting started
This article guides you through your first steps using STweep for Codesys!
STweep is ready to use after installation and activating your license. Check out the how to do this in this post.
Edit your settings
After starting Codesys navigate to: Tools > STweep > Settings to open the STweep settings screen. The STweep setting screen as shown below should be visible.
Here you can edit the settings as desired. Notice that the settings windows shows a preview showing the affect of a selected settings.
Press the save button to save the settings. Press cancel to cancel any changes made to the settings.
Format your first code
Open a project and select the Structured Text POU you want to edit.
Press the right mouse button to open the context menu and select “Refactoring”
Under the group “Refactoring” press “Format code” to format the code in the selected window.
Watch and review your code and make changes to your settings as desired.