STweep for TwinCAT

Download the latest release of STweep for TwinCAT.

A formatting tool for Structured Text

Head revision

This is the latest stable version of STweep for TwinCAT

[4.2.3] – 2024-1-24



  • Performance update.


  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

[4.2.2] – 2024-1-15



  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
  • In file formatting of actions was not always possible.

[4.2.1] – 2024-1-11



  • Added settings to support line breaks in FOR statement.
  • Added setting to make spaces between nested parentheses optional.
  • support for blank lines at file start
  • Support for access specifiers in a function declaration.
  • Support for STRUCT RETAIN


  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
  • File changed flag on any TwinCAT code file was unneeded raised when opening the context menu in the editor.
  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
  • Incorrect number of blank lines at file end if a code file did not contain a code part, but only comments.

[4.1.2] – 2022-10-18



  • Support for single line if statements.
    • Setting: “Place simple if statements on a single line.”
  • Improved formatting for IF statements.
    • Added setting: “Line break after IF”
    • Added setting: “Line break before THEN.”
    • Added setting: “IF statement line break mode.”
    • Added setting: “Indent THEN in if statement.”
  • Improved formatting of implicit enums.
    • Added setting: “Line break after left parenthesis in implicit enum.”
    • Added setting: “Line break before left parenthesis in implicit enum.”
    • Added setting: “Line break before right parenthesis in implicit enum.”
    • Added setting: “Maximum implicit enums on single Line.”
    • Added setting: “Implicit enum parentheses style”
  • Search functionality in the settings editor.
  • In the settings editor by clicking on a changed setting you navigate to this setting.


  • Improved translations.
  • Improved handling when the user code contains parsing errors.
  • Preview screen shows the formatted settings with the current (edited) settings
  • Improved preview code.
  • DLL and Msi files are now signed
  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


  • In some cases a single line comment on the first line was aligned with an end of line comment on the second line.
  • Minimum number of blank lines was not always correctly taken into account, when updating number of blank lines before a statement.
  • Specified number of blank lines after a code block was not always respected when the specified number of blank lines before the next code block was lower.
  • Formatting was not executed if code contained a ADR operator with a string literal as argument.
  • Incorrect formatting exception when property declaration has a FINAL parameter.
  • Incorrect formatting exception when there was a semicolon after END_TYPE in a struct.


[4.0.4] – 2022-05-22



  • Added XAE shell installer.
  • Improved handling when the user code contains parsing errors.
  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


  • Parameter: >Spaces >Binary operators >Around assignment operator in function block initializer parameter assignment was not properly saved


[4.0.2] – 2022-03-16



  • Upgrade minimum installed .NET framework to 4.7.2.
  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


  • Possible formatting time out when formatting chained assign statements (A:=B:=C;).


[4.0.1] – 2022-01-26



  • STweep settings file format.
  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


  • Possible incorrect formatting of array initializer elements.
  • Incorrect formatting of property getter and setter declarations with an access specifier.
  • Incorrect formatting of a program declaration with access specifier.
  • Exception when formatting an empty array initializer.
  • Incorrect formatting of a variable declaration initializer with a REF= assignment.


[3.6.5] – 2021-09-28



  • Option to align all members of an alignment in columns to tabs.
  • Additional features for improved (debug) logging.
  • Support for formatting from solution explorer (project formatting).


  • Improved app startup time.
  • Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


  • Incorrect formatting when empty single line comment ‘//’ was used.
  • Alignment of invocation call parameters where formatted with the incorrect settings when tabs are used.
  • Possible exception when align in columns with tabs and no spaces where used before alignment.

[3.5.2] – 2021-05-10



  • Support for conditional formatting with {STweep.Disable} and {STweep.Enable}.
  • Support for conditional formatting with (*STweep.Disable*) and (*STweep.Enable*).
  • Option to select indent style for align similar code in columns when tabs are used.
  • Settings editor shows number of unsaved settings and unsaved settings details if clicked.


  • Minor performance improvements.
  • Minor text updates.


  • Rare cases of incorrect line length overflow handling when alignment of end of line comments in columns is used.
  • Possible “No solution found” exception when formatting structure initializers nested in an array initializer.
  • Possible incorrect line length overflow calculation when tabs are used.
  • Incorrect formatting when aligning in columns of assignment, number of blank lines before single line statement is 1 and number of blank lines after single line statement is 0.
  • Incorrect formatting when aligning in columns of adress assignment, variable declaration and variable initializers when number of blank lines before single line declaration is 1 and number of blank lines after single line declaration is 0.


[3.4.0] – 2021-04-11



  • Not working setting preview for array initializer indent mode.
  • Incorrect formatting around statements like: ‘A REF= 0;’.
  • Incorrect formatting and possible exception of an array initializer with a trailing comma.
  • Incorrect formatting and possible exception of a structure initializer with a trailing comma.
  • Incorrect formatting and possible exception of a function block initializer with a trailing comma.
  • Incorrect formatting of array size specifier with a trailing comma.


[3.3.2] – 2021-04-07



  • Not working setting preview for array initializer indent mode.
  • Incorrect formatting around statements like: ‘A REF= 0;’.
  • Incorrect formatting and possible exception of an array initializer with a trailing comma.
  • Incorrect formatting and possible exception of a structure initializer with a trailing comma.
  • Incorrect formatting and possible exception of a function block initializer with a trailing comma.
  • Incorrect formatting of array size specifier with a trailing comma.


[3.3.1] – 2021-03-30



  • Option to set line breaking mode for chained methods.
  • Aligning in columns for address assignments


  • Chained variable access (A := B.C;) will now preferably break before the dot in case of an line length overflow. This was after the dot.
  • Set line breaks around ‘(‘ , ‘)’ , ‘[‘, ‘]’ are now placed if their construction is multiline. Before this was only the corresponding line break mode was set to “Break of long or multiline” or “Break always.”
  • Function block initializers for arrays are formatted according to the settings for functions block initializers. Before they where formatted according to the array initializers settings.
  • Minor UI and translation updates.

[3.1.4] – 2021-03-10



  • Setting “Blank lines after single line case” was not properly loaded in the UI.
  • Setting “Blank lines after multi line case” was not properly loaded in the UI.
  • Setting “Blank lines before single line declaration” was not properly loaded in the UI.


[3.1.3] – 2021-03-09



  • Check for updates feature.
  • Option to set parameter line break mode of structure initializers.
  • Option to place line break after ‘(‘ in structure initializer.
  • Option to place line break before ‘)’ in structure initializer.
  • Option to place line break before ‘(‘ in structure initializer.
  • Option to set maximum number of parameters in structure initializer.
  • Option to set spaces before structure initializer parentheses.
  • Option to set spaces inside structure initializer parentheses.
  • Option to align structure initializer parameters in columns.
  • Option to align structure initializer parameter assignments in columns.
  • Option to set structure initializer parenthesis indentation style.
  • Option to set parameter line break mode of array initializers.
  • Option to place line break after ‘(‘ in array initializer.
  • Option to place line break before ‘)’ in array initializer.
  • Option to place line break before ‘(‘ in array initializer.
  • Option to set maximum number of parameters in array initializer.
  • Option to set spaces before array initializer parentheses.
  • Option to set spaces inside array initializer parentheses.
  • Option to align array initializer parameters in columns.
  • Option to align array initializer parameter assignments in columns.
  • Option to set array initializer parenthesis indentation style.
  • Option to set spaces around argument assignment in function block and structure initializers.
  • Option to set parameter line break mode of function block initializers.
  • Option to place line break after ‘(‘ in function block initializer.
  • Option to place line break before ‘)’ in function block initializer.
  • Option to place line break before ‘(‘ in function block initializer.
  • Option to set maximum number of parameters in function block initializer.
  • Option to set spaces before function block initializer parentheses.
  • Option to set spaces inside function block initializer parentheses.
  • Option to align function block initializer parameters in columns.
  • Option to align function block initializer parameter assignments in columns.
  • Option to set function block initializer parenthesis indentation style.


  • The STweep menu commands are now directly translated at startup (if needed).
  • Internal optimizations.
  • In case of a line length overflow line breaks are not placed directly after an semicolon anymore.
  • Improved line breaking after an assignment operator in case of a line overflow.
  • Minor updates in translations and UI.


  • Deprecated API warning in VS2019.
  • Conflicting GUID with Codemaid.
  • Incorrect formatting of a reference assign in a reference declaration : A : POINTER TO B REF= C;
  • Depending on the used settings the number of blank lines at the file end was not correctly set if the last element is a comment.

    [2.1.0] – 2021-02-03



    • Option to place STRUCT keyword on a new line.
    • Option to indent ELSE case in a case statement.


    • Minor UI changes.
    • Minor changes in license handling.
    • Improved performance for first format action after visual studio starts.


    • Incorrect formatting of function block initializer without arguments :
          A : B();

      [2.0.1] – 2021-01-28



      • Option to add blank lines at the end of a code file.
      • Separate setting for Spaces around argument assignment.
      • “Documentation” command in menu bar.
      • “Report a bug or submit feedback” command in menu bar.


      • Improved STweep menu structure.
      • Updated/improved German translations.
      • Setting file format for improved handling.


      • Setting “Keep existing blank lines” was not respected at the end of a file.
      • Setting “Keep existing line breaks” was not respected at the end of a file.
      • Depending on the settings: number of blank lines at start of file was not correctly set if first element is a comment.
      • Copyright message mentioned Codesys instead of TwinCAT.
      • Depending on the settings: if the first element in a file was a comment, the number of blank lines between file-start and the comment where not properly set.
      • Depending on the settings: if last element in a file was a comment the number of blank lines between file-end and the comment where not properly set.
      • Incorrect formatting of a statement similar to: ‘THIS^.a REF= var;’
      • Depending on the settings: incorrect blank line inserted when multi line comment exceeds the line length limit.
      • Incorrect formatting of pointer to array declaration: “A:POINTER TO ARRAY[0..1] OF BOOl;”.

      [1.0.8] – 2021-01-18


       – Initial release