STweep CLI
Head revision
This is the latest stable version of STweep for TwinCAT
[1.2.0-Beta] – 2024-05-26
- Support for empty statement, for example: ‘variable;’.
- Added settings to support line breaks in FOR statement.
- Added setting to make spaces between nested parentheses optional.
- support for blank lines at file start
- Support for STRUCT RETAIN
- Support for access specifiers in a function declaration.
- Added support to chose if the last element in case or if statement should be indented or not.
- Improved performance.
- Added support to chose if the last element in case or if statement should be indented or not.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- Alignment of struct init parameter assignments when working when nested in array init.
- Possible incorrect indenting of trailing comments and pragmas if they were the last element in a case.
- Incorrect number of blank lines at file end if a code file did not contain a code part, but only comment
[1.0.5] – 2022-10-16
- MSI file is signed
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes
[1.0.4-beta] – 2022-09-13
- Function declaration supports array return value.
- Function declaration can end with a semicolon before the var sections.
- Function block declaration can end with a semicolon before the var sections.
- Property declaration can end with a semicolon before the var sections.
- Property declaration can contain var sections.
- Method declaration can end with a semicolon before the var sections.
- Support for single line if statements.
- Setting: “Place simple if statements on a single line.”
- Improved formatting for IF statements.
- Added setting: “Line break after IF”
- Added setting: “Line break before THEN.”
- Added setting: “IF statement line break mode.”
- Added setting: “Indent THEN in if statement.”
- Improved formatting of implicit enums.
- Added setting: “Line break after left parenthesis in implicit enum.”
- Added setting: “Line break before left parenthesis in implicit enum.”
- Added setting: “Line break before right parenthesis in implicit enum.”
- Added setting: “Maximum implicit enums on single Line.”
- Added setting: “Implicit enum parentheses style”
- Search functionality.
- By clicking on a changed setting you navigate to this setting.
- Formatting of files is processed parallel for improved performance.
- Improved handling when the user code contains parsing errors.
- Settings editor preview screen shows the formatted settings with the current (edited) settings
- Improved preview code in settings editor
- Minimum required framework is .NET 472.
- Possible formatting time out when formatting chained assign statements (A:=B:=C;). Exception only occurred when assignments are aligned in columns. And there is an assign statements in the previous line.
- Parameter: >Spaces >Binary operators >Around assignment operator in function block initializer parameter assignment was not properly saved.
- In some cases a single line comment on the first line was aligned with an end of line comment on the second line.
- Minimum number of blank lines was not always correctly taken into account, when updating number of blank lines before a statement.
- Specified number of blank lines after a code block was not always respected when the specified number of blank lines before the next code block was lower.
- Formatting was not executed if code contained a ADR operator with a string literal as argument.
- Incorrect formatting exception when property declaration has a FINAL parameter.
- Incorrect formatting exception when there was a semicolon after END_TYPE in a struct.
[1.0.3-beta] – 2022-05-07
- Installer shows install path on finish dialog.
- Support for codesys .export file.
[1.0.1-beta] – 2022-02-20
- Commands no longer case sensitive.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- Settings editor could not be opened if installation location contained a space.
- Minor user help text improvements.
- Minor bug fixes in licensing.
[1.0.0-beta] – 2021-01-30
- First release